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About Me

  Hello My name is Crystal, I am the owner and designer behind Crochet a Memory. I am a wife, stay at home mother of 4, a fourth generation crochet artist, as well as a Choctaw Registered Artist with the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.


  My love of crochet began at a very young age. I remember fondly getting my very own hooks and a skein of yarn for my 5th birthday from my grandmother. My mother and grandmother spent countless hours showing me the correct way to hold my yarn and hook, how to read patterns, and how to execute each stitch. I spent just as many hours practicing and asking questions.


  Over 30 years later, that same grandmother was my inspiration in starting Crochet a Memory 


  I will for always be grateful to my mother and grandmother for passing on their the love and knowledge of crochet to me. I also look forward to them helping me pass the same love and knowledge on to my children.     

Grandfather's Senior portrait
Finished! Now just need to work on the b

The photo and photogan that started it all!


My grandfathers senior picture

Mawmaw opening her Crochet a Memory blanket

How Crochet a Memory came to be


  We lost my grandfather in March of 2013. He and my grandmother had been together since they were teenagers. As I sat next to my grandmother at my cousins wedding in 2018, I watched as tears filled her eyes. She was looking down playing with her wedding rings. There is no doubt she was remembering the day she married the love of her life.


  I gave her the biggest hug I could. Then I realized I’m not there to hug her every time she needs one. That gave me the idea to make her a blanket with my grandfather’s picture on it. So, she could hug, snuggle, cuddle, and kiss him anytime she needed.


  I looked and looked for a graphgan or photogan designer that could help me with this mission, and I just could not find one I liked.

I started making graphs in 2011 using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets . So I told myself if could figure that out. I could figure this out too.

 With a lot of trial and error I accomplished making the pattern then completing it, 


 I decided to share my project in crochet communities online. That is when it became very clear that I was not the only one that wanted to do something similar for their loved ones.


So Crochet a Memory was born.

My mission is - I want to make graphgan and photogan patterns available to all

not the few.


 My number one priority is YOU!


Personalized patterns hold a very special place for me. Not only because of the joy I saw on my grandmother's face when she received the one I made for her, but because I have been told several times by working on the patterns it has helped in the healing process. So I know they hold a very special place for my customers as well. That is why I provide each and everyone of my customers with amazing easy to read graphgan and photogan patterns, as well as outstanding customer service that surpasses your expectations.


With all of my personalized patterns, I allow you the opportunity to view, suggest edits, and approve the design before you purchase

If you are not happy, neither am I!


That is why I have chosen to provide you with a copy of the written instructions and all the necessary editing needed for the best pattern outcome.

These are now included in the cost of the pattern.

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© 2022 Crochet a Memory

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